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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Connecting Units to Wall Outlets


How should Q Exactive units be conncected to wall outlets?


Q Exactive GC


Connecting Mass Spectrometer and Modules to Wall Outlets
  • Ensure that the wall outlet specifications are not exceeded.
  • The mass spectrometer must have a separate “clean” line leading to a main fuse to guarantee disturbance-free operation.
  • Locally supplied personal computer hardware must use the same power line and ground connection as the mass spectrometer.
  • The electrical wall outlet for the main power of the mass spectrometer should be located at the wall near the intended location of the instrument.
Power Supply for the Forepump

Connect the power supply cord for the forepump of a Q Exactive GC GC-MS system to the mass spectrometer.

Power Supply for Other Modules
  • For gas chromatographs and data systems, use wall outlets.
  • Additional power outlets might be required for test and cleaning equipment.
  • The maximum load for a 120 V AC fourplex outlet is typically 20 A, and the maximum load for a 230 V AC fourplex outlet is typically 16 A.
  • We recommend at least six (6) spare outlets behind the system and three (3) close to the workbench space within your laboratory.
  • All single-phase auxiliary wall outlets should use the same ground as the power line of the instrument.
  • To prevent overloading the circuit, connect mass spectrometer, forepump, or gas chromatograph, and data system to separate wall outlets.
Additional Information

To prevent overloading the circuit, never connect mass spectrometer and GC to the same electrical wall outlet circuit.


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