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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Drivers not connecting or features in the dashboard not available


ISQ / TSQ Drivers not connecting or features in the dashboard not available.


  • Chromeleon
  • Windows 10


  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Open Programs and Features.
  3. On the side, you will see the prompt that says: "Turn Windows features on or off."
  4. Click that on the pop up menu, open .NET 3.5 Framework menu.
  5. Check all the boxes of the submenu - the files should be there and windows can automatically use them once you close the menu.
  6. Software advises to go down to Microsoft Message Queue and do the same with those submenus.
  7. If they don't have the files, Windows will tell you, and it just needs to communicate back to Windows and perform the update.


When Windows 10 Operating System is installed, these settings are not default and need to be changed in order for the ISQ/TSQ dashboards and drivers to function appropriately. 


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