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Thermo Fisher Scientific

What options are available?

Several accessories, or instruments, that expand what you can do with your spectrometer are available. The following is a list of some of these accessories. For information about additional accessories, contact our sales representative in your area.

The accessory or instrument... Does this...

A Nicolet iZ10

Apex with an iZ10.jpg

Provides a second sampling area for routine analysis or for installation and usage of large, dedicated accessories like the TGA interface.

An infrared microscope

Apex with microscope.jpg

Allows you to identify particles as small as 10 micrometers and perform many operations, such as surface analyses and chemical mapping.

A near-IR integrating sphere

115116_NIR Integrating Sphere For iS20.jpg

Uses a built-in detector to quickly identify materials contained in vials or blister packs.

The following software is also available for your spectrometer:

  • OMNIC Anywhere is cloud-based FT-IR software that allows you to analyze data away from the instrument, on any device, or share results with colleagues across the globe in a secure environment.
  • TQ Analyst software provides an extensive suite of chemometrics features you can use to create methods to identify raw materials, perform quantitative analysis, and take spectral measurements.
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