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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Preparing to restore database backups from earlier versions of OMNIC Paradigm

If you need to restore a database backup from an earlier version of OMNIC Paradigm software, you may need to prepare the database before you can restore it.

You must prepare your database if you meet all the following conditions:

  • You are using the default database with OMNIC Paradigm software.
  • You have a database backup created with OMNIC Paradigm software v2.2 or earlier.
  • You are restoring your database in OMNIC Paradigm software v2.4 or later.

To prepare your database

  1. Download MariaDB Community Server 10.3.39 from
  2. Unblock the downloaded file.
  3. Double-click the installer.
  4. Install only the 'Backup utilities'.
    1.  Click Next.
    2. Check I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Click on the icon next to each of the top-level features (MariaDB Server, Development Components, and Third-party tools), and select Entire feature will be unavailable.
    5. Click on the icon next to the Backup utilities feature and select Will be installed on local hard drive.
    6. Click Next.
    7. Click Install.
    8. Click Yes if prompted for User Account Control.
    9. Click Finish.
  5. Open Windows PowerShell.
  6. Run the following:

    $backupRootFolder = Get-Content "$env:ProgramData\Thermo Scientific\Paradigm\RepositoryConfig.json" | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BackupLocation

    $backupDir = Get-ChildItem -Path $backupRootFolder -Filter thermDbBackup_* -Directory | Sort-Object Name -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName

    Start-Process -FilePath "$env:ProgramFiles\MariaDB 10.3\bin\mariabackup.exe" -ArgumentList @('--prepare', "--target-dir=`"$backupDir`"") -Wait -NoNewWindow

  7. Exit Windows PowerShell.
  8. Uninstall MariaDB 10.3.

You can now restore the backup.

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