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Thermo Fisher Scientific

OMNIC for Raman Release Notes

OMNIC for Raman Release Notes

About This Document

This document contains a revision history of OMNIC for Raman, including new features that may not be included in the User’s Guide, resolved issues, and known issues.


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OMNIC for Raman 9.15

  • Build number:

  • Release date: May 2024

  • Supported operating systems

    • Windows 10 64-bit

    • Windows 11 64-bit

New Features


Resolved Issues

Spectra collected with the Raman Module do not include the serial numbers

Spectra collected with the Raman Module do not include the serial numbers of the Raman Module and the FT-IR Bench.

Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.14

Release Date: Jan-2024

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 10 64-bit

  • Windows 11 64-bit

New Features


Resolved Issues


Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.9

Release Date: Jan-2019

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features


Resolved Issues

iS50 Raman module collection issue

The collection from the Raman module would proceed but never finish.

Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.8 Hotfix 1

Release Date: Oct-2017

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features


Resolved Issues

Support new security policies on iS50 Raman module

The new policies introduced with 9.8 "Prevent canceling a data collection", and "Auto save a collected spectrum using the spectrum title" did not work on the iS50 Raman module.

Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.8

Release Date: May-2017

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features

See OMNIC release notes for Data Security changes

Resolved Issues

Software has been updated to run on Windows 10.

View the OMNIC 9.7 release notes for other changes that were made for this release.

Raman instrument correction normalizes spectrum

Since the release of OMNIC 9.0 the Raman instrument correction normalizes the spectrum. The normalize step has been removed from the instrument correction function.

Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.7

Release Date: Sep-2016

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features

*Software has been updated to run on Windows 10.

View the OMNIC 9.7 release notes for other changes that were made for this release.

Resolved Issues


Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.6

Release Date: May-2016

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features


Resolved Issues


Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.5

Release Date: Nov-2015

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features


Resolved Issues


Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.4

Release Date: Oct-2015

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Windows 10 64-bit

New Features

Added support for Windows 8.1

Added support for Windows 8.1

Resolved Issues

Nicolet iS50 Raman module auto eject

The auto eject feature can now be controlled using a check box on the experiment setup bench tab.

Nicolet iS50 Raman spectrum last data point is zero

The last data point of a spectrum was zero causing odd display effects.

Nicolet iS50 Raman laser does not turn off before plate eject

The plate eject did not turn the laser off and caused burning of samples as the beam passed over the plates.

Nicolet iS50 Raman laser during auto focus

The laser can now be turned off during an auto focus operation.

Laser turns off when in bench tab

When running in German or French, after setting the laser power in bench setup it would reset of off after some scans.

Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 9.1

Release Date: Aug-2012

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows XP SP3 32-bit

  • Windows 7 32-bit

  • Windows 7 64-bit

  • Windows 8.1 64-bit

New Features

Updated the version to 9.1.

Updated the version to 9.1.

Add Nicolet iS50 Raman module

Software has been updated to support being used with the Nicolet iS50 Raman module.

Auto focus improved

The algorithm used for performing autofocus on the Bench tab of the Experiment Setup dialog has been improved to operate significantly better across a wider range of sample types.

Resolved Issues


Known Issues


OMNIC for Raman 8.3

Software has been updated to run as a 32-bit application on both Windows 7 32-bit & 64-bit operating systems.

OMNIC for Raman 8.1

Resolved Issues

Nexus Raman installation:

The installation now works correctly for Nexus Raman modules.

Laser setting is now working under Vista:

The laser setting is now functional under Vista from the Configure tab in Experiment Setup.

Raman NXR module Z-slider working:

The Z-slider used to change the Z stage position is now working properly for the NXR Raman module.

FT-Raman Microstage initialization offsets:

Upon initialization the XORIGIN and YORIGIN values are no longer reset to zero.

Initialization failure message for Raman Microstage:

At initialization the failure message no longer appears for the FT-Raman Microstage.

Game controller now works properly with Raman Microstage:

The game controller is now working properly in the software. This feature was broken with the OMNIC 8.0 release.

OMNIC for Raman 8.0

New Features

This release has the same Raman-related feature set as 7.4. Consult the OMNIC release notes for new features not specific to Raman operation.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

OMNIC for Raman 7.4

Resolved Issues

Raman menu shown twice

If OMNIC had trouble communicating with the instrument at startup, but then was able to establish good communications, the Raman menu would end up being added to the top level menu twice. Some of the items in the two menus would then be enabled/disabled at the wrong times.

New Features

This release has the same Raman-related feature set as 7.3. Consult the OMNIC 7.4 release notes for new features not specific to Raman operation.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

OMNIC for Raman 7.3

New Features

This release has the same Raman-related feature set as 7.2b. Consult the OMNIC 7.3 release notes for new features not specific to Raman operation.

Known Issues

OMNIC Atlµs map or mosaic with MicroStage or ViewStage.

When moving near the limit of travel with either the MicroStage or ViewStage, OMNIC/OMNIC Atlµs does not enforce the limits of travel. Therefore it is possible to capture a mosaic/map that does not truly represent the bounds of the stage travel. The stepper may try to move past the physical limit of travel (up to the step limit specified by the driver). If this occurs, the X and/or Y position is no longer consistent with initialization positioning. This is necessary to allow the stage to position a well plate so that all wells can be observed.

  Keep the boundaries of your map or mosaic within the stage limits of travel.

OMNIC for Raman 7.2b

Resolved Issues

90 Degree accessory not recognized

On some Nicolet Series systems, the 90 Degree accessory was not correctly identified. This causes the Focus control to be disabled on the Bench tab of Experiment Setup. The accessory is now correctly identified, and the Focus control is enabled allowing you to adjust the focus position of the sample.

New Features

This release has the same feature set as 7.2a. There are no new features in this release.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

OMNIC for Raman 7.2a

Resolved Issues

When Final format is set to Shifted spectrum, the incorrect spectral range is displayed

On some systems, the Raman shifted spectral range displayed on the Experiment Setup Bench tab and collected Raman is incorrect. It is not possible to collect data. This can only occur on a Nexus model FT-IR bench systems with older (pre-NXR) Raman module attached running 7.2 of OMNIC for Raman.

Raman shift error when processing spectra having a different Raman laser frequency.

When you open a Raman spectrum collected with a 976 nm laser on a system which has a 1064 nm laser installed, the Raman Shift command does not work correctly.

The live display vertical axis scale does not autoscale to interferogram

On the Bench tab of Experiment Setup, the live display Y-axis does not autoscale to show the interferogram minimum and maximum when the laser is turned-on.

New Features

This release has the same feature set as 7.2. There are no new features in this release.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

OMNIC for Raman 7.2

Resolved Issues

Unexpected delays or hang-ups when using Raman module with a Nicolet series bench

In some cases, using the controls on the Bench tab of Experiment Setup causes OMNIC to become unstable. Communications with the instrument may be unreliable.

New Features

Support for Nicolet NXR FT-Raman Module.

The Nicolet NXR FT-Raman Module can be configured with either a 1064 nm or 976 nm Raman excitation laser. The software has been modified to recognize either configuration.

Support for Raman Microstage.

The Raman Microstage is the next generation replacement for the Raman ViewStage. The Microstage offers a larger sampling area and can accommodate well plates.

Autofocus button on Bench tab of Experiment Setup.

The Bench tab of Experiment Setup now contains a button labeled Autofocus in the Raman Accessory Control group. When you click this button, the sample focus is adjusted to produce a stronger Raman signal. The algorithm uses the spectral range currently displayed in the live display of the Bench tab.

Known Issues

OMNIC Atlµs map or mosaic with MicroStage or ViewStage.

When moving near the limit of travel with either the MicroStage or ViewStage, OMNIC/OMNIC Atlµs does not enforce the limits of travel. Therefore it is possible to capture a mosaic/map that does not truly represent the bounds of the stage travel. The stepper may try to move past the physical limit of travel (up to the step limit specified by the driver). If this occurs, the X and/or Y position is no longer consistent with initialization positioning.

  Keep the boundaries of your map or mosaic within the stage limits of travel.

Raman shift error when processing spectra having a different Raman laser frequency.

When you open a Raman spectrum collected with a 976 nm laser on a system which has a 1064 nm laser installed, the Raman Shift command does not work correctly. The software uses the Raman laser frequency of the bench for the Raman shift calculation instead of the Raman laser frequency stored in the spectrum header. The same is true for a spectrum collected with a1064 nm laser processed on a system with a 976 nm laser installed.

  Before you process spectra collected with a Raman laser frequency different than Raman laser installed on your system, open the spectrum header and write down the Raman laser frequency. Next, use the Custom Shift command instead of using Raman shift. Enter the Raman laser frequency you recorded from the spectrum header.

Nicolet series bench looses Raman signal in rest mode.

Nicolet series FT-IR systems have the capability of going into rest mode after a period of inactivity. The IR source is turned off when the system enters rest mode. This action inadvertently causes the external beam flipper mirror to blocking the Raman signal. When you "wake-up" the system, it will appear to still be in Raman mode but you cannot see any signal.

  If you observe this behavior, de-select then re-select the Use Raman Accessory command in the Raman menu. The external beam flipper mirror will re-synchronize and your system will return to normal behavior. Alternatively, you can turn-off the Rest mode options on the Configure tab of Experiment Setup.

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