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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Xcalibur Software OQ - Sequence Error Unable to View Report Template


When going to run an Xcalibur Software OQ sequence you get the error "Unable to view this template; Report type is not Installed."



Software OQ

XReport 3


The older test XReport template (.xrt) files are needed.

Browse to SW OQ folders (C:\Xcalibur\Operational Qualification\Software\Xcalibur\OQ_0#) and modify the .XRT file extension to .XRT4 for the newer report templates.

Rename the file extension the .XRT3 file extension to .XRT for the older report templates. This will force the sequence to use the old XReport templates.


The old XRT 3 templates where cropping Calibration Curve line values, and pushing reports to extra pages. New XRT 4 based templates were created, and the old ones were retained as .XRT3 files.

Traditionally SW OQ is done on new installations, and the old versions should not be needed that frequently. Occasionally a SW OQ has to be re-run on an old platform due to a PC or Operating System repair, thus the old templates have been retained.


Issue is due to the customer having an old version of Xcalibur and XReport.


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