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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sort Module Replacement (Original to Cooled) - DT00297 - Rev C


Sort Module is not functioning properly



Original Sort Module

NEW Liquid Cooled Sort Module

Serial Numbers

SN 1-142, SN 149, SN 150

Review C4S notes prior to replacement. If sort module replacement occurred in 2024 or later, system has NEW Liquid Cooled Sort Module

SN 143-148, SN 151-

Review C4S notes prior to repair. If sort module replacement occurred in 2024 or later, system has NEW Liquid Cooled Sort Module

Replacement Procedure



Service Kits to Order

PS00382 (Sort Module Upgrade Kit)

PS00221 (Coolant)

PS00381 (Sort Module, Liquid Cooled)


See attachment for complete resolution