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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sort Module Troubleshooting - DT00227 - Rev A - Field Troubleshooting


Warning messages:

•“Sort Decision Transmit Error - Service Required”

•“Sort Module Sort Decision FIFO Full”

•“Sort Module Sort Decision FIFO Miss

•“Warning, Sort Rescue Activated Because of Plate Arcing”

•“Sort Module High Voltage Plates Warning”

•“Sort Module High Voltage Plates Arcing Detected”

Info messages:

•“Info, Voltage SM Drop Drive + Out of Spec”

•“Info, Voltage SM Drop Drive - Out of Spec”

•“Info, Voltage SM Charge + Out of Spec”

•“Info, Voltage SM Charge - Out of Spec”

Sort concerns:

•Very weird drop formation that doesn’t seem to be a clog

•Unusual drop charging/deflection


All Bigfoot Spectral Cell Sorter Models


See attachment for complete resolution