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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sampling tips

For optimal sampling with the Affirma Lubricant Analysis System, follow these guidelines:

  • A background measurement is required at predefined intervals during continuous use. The workflows display a message when a background is needed. Use the Run Background workflow in the HTRN Setup category to acquire a background spectrum. The background is measured with nothing in the sample beam (pull out the sample tray). We recommend that the time between background collections does not exceed 2 hours.
  • The Affirma Lubricant Analysis System can be used to measure aqueous and organic liquids as well as viscous materials such as gels, oils and greases.
  • Use one of the sample workflows in the HTRN In-Service Lubricant group to run a sample analysis.

Sample workflows based on a differential (or subtraction) require a new oil reference spectrum. Use the Collect Reference workflow in the HTRN Setup category to acquire a spectrum from your reference material.

  • To apply a sample for measurement, open the sample tray and move the top window housing to the load position. Use a disposable pipette to apply two to three drops of sample to the sample cup. (Fill the cup about two-thirds full.)

Place the top window housing in the sampling position, close the sample tray and start the measurement. Do not touch the sample tray until the measurement has completed.

Tip: You can tilt the top window slightly while lowering it into position to help dispel any bubbles. View the sample through the top window to check for bubbles.

  • Always clean the sample windows immediately after you finish the analysis.
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