iCAP Cooling Water and Basic iCAP Setup and Plasma Ignition
- Poor ignition and unexpected plasma going out
- iCAP service RF ignition failure, RF fails to remain lit
- iCAP 6000 Series
- iCAP 7000 Series
A 2.5% solution of Dexo XLI anti-corrosion inhibitor (PN 842312052621) in Distilled or Deionized water that has a resistivity of 1-3 Mohm. This is 175 mL in the 7 L capacity for a ThermoFlex 900 chiller.
A number of RF power supply replacements have been found to be unnecessary due to incorrect cooling fluids.
Incorrect conductivity in the cooling water will result in an inability of the RF generator to match the plasma impedance. This will result in lack of plasma control, plasma instability, plasma going out and failing to light.