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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Unexpected Positioning Error


Unexpected Positioning Error when using non-FAST ESI autosampler


  • Qtegra
  • ESI


1) Download the ‘dummy’ FAST method here:

2) Copy the dummy FAST method to this location: C:\ProgramData\Thermo\Qtegra\_Application Data\ESI\Methods\SC FAST\Methods\

3) Click on FAST Methods

FAST Methods.png

4) Select ‘NonFast’ from the ‘Open a user method’ dropdown menu


5) Save the LabBook

Note: It has been reported that this workaround sometimes does not resolve the issue. Therefore, the alternate solution is to upgrade Qtegra to 2.14 SR2 or later. This will allow the updated ESI plugin to be installed which resolves this issue.



Version of the ESI plugin released with Qtegra 2.10 SR10 has a bug that will stop the LabBook with this error when using a non-FAST system (standard ESI autosampler) and no FAST method is selected.





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