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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Headspace errors: Incorrect Voltage Out


  • The Triplus RSH headspace Errors out at the beginning of the run.  
  • Typically this error is caused during the setup of the RSH or when new software is loaded.
  • The error might be: "Sampler-gasvalve-incorrect voltage, Trayholder2 slot1:1" This error script might be present depending on the first position the autosampler accesses. 
  • Other errors could also be present.


  • Triplus RSH
  • Triplus RSH SMART Series


This might happen at system install after entering a new configuration or if you update or downgrade the Firmware.  It is probably the Output Voltage, I/O Interface, Pulse-Width Modulation (PWMOut) that needs to be set to 35 V.  

From the Control Terminal, do the following:

  1. Change Access Level to "Extended User”
  2. Go to Options/Setup/Modules/IO Interfaces/Input Output 1/PWMOut/Output Voltage 0 V.  
  3. Change the Output Voltage to 35 V.
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