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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Over Voltage Error


Over voltage error - Supressor


  • Ion Chromatography
  • AERS
  • ADRS
  • CERS
  • Suppressors


Test the system backpressure to ensure eluent is flowing freely through the suppressor:

  1. For 2mm ID suppressors, the pressure should not exceed 150 psi and for 4mm ID suppressors, the pressure should not exceed 100 psi:
    1. Remove old suppressor, direct the column flow to waste, set column flow to normal flow rate and record system pressure (P1).over voltage - image 01.png
    2. Connect tubing from column directly to conductivity cell tubing with 10-32 union (p/n 042627 or 074083), leave back pressure coils installed, direct flow to waste, set column flow to normal flow rate and record system pressure (P2). The pressure difference from Step 1 and Step 2 should be < 50 psi. If pressure is high, test conductivity cell and back pressure coils separately – see troubleshooting.

      over voltage - image 02.png


  1. Replace, adjust or add back pressure tubing to achieve proper back pressure – see below.
     4 mm Chromatography  2 mm Chromatography
     P/N: 045877 P/N:  045878 
     1 Coil = 1.5 - 3.0 mL/min   1 Coil = 0.37 - 0.75 mL/min
      2 Coil = 0.5 - 1.5 mL/min   2 Coil = 0.12 - 0.37 mL/min

Testing Suppressor and Re-Hydrating:

  1. Connect tubing from the column to the Suppressor’s Eluent In Port, connect tubing from Cell Out to the Suppressor’s Eluent Out Port, reinstall existing Regen Out and Regen In tubing to proper Suppressor Regent Ports. Do not apply any current to suppressor.

over voltage - image 03.png

  1. Pump application eluent at 50% of normal flow rate for 5 minutes, stop pump for 20 minutes.


  1. Restore to normal operating by including conductivity cell and back pressure tubing.

over voltage - image 04.png

If the suppressor is still giving an over voltage error, contact Technical Support.


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