Import and export data
You can import and work with a variety of file types that were created with other applications.
Spectral data
OMNIC Paradigm can read the following types of spectral data:
OMNIC Spectra (*.spa and *.spg)
Grams (*.spc)
JCAMP-DX (*.jdx)
Perkin-Elmer (*.sp)
Bruker (*.[0-9])
Jasco (*.jws)
TSV Text (*.tsv)
To import spectra data, go to the File menu and select Open Spectrum.
Spectra can be exported from OMNIC Paradigm in any of the following file types:
Time series measurements
You can import Time Series measurements created with OMNIC Paradigm (.srsx) or legacy time series measurements created in OMNIC (*.srs).
To import a Time Series measurement, go to the File menu and select Time Series > Open.
Microscopy data
You can import two types of microscopy data:
*.session files, created with OMNIC Paradigm software
*.map files created with legacy OMNIC software
To import microscopy data, go to the File menu and select Session > Open.
Workflows and packages
You can also import and share workflow and package files. Workflows are saved with a .rwfl file name extension and packages use .rdep.
To import a workflow or package, go to the File menu and select Workflow > Open or Package > Open.
To export a workflow or package, right-click the workflow or package on the dashboard and select Export.