Uninstalling OMNIC Paradigm
To uninstall OMNIC Paradigm, ThermoMSIUninstall should not be used .
Omnic Paradigm must be uninstalled by following the instructions in the attached document.
These instructions are meant for someone uninstalling Paradigm if they ran into problems during an upgrade, or some type of corruption occurred in the software.
These can be also used for rolling backwards if, you have not created any new data on the upgrade, or you are not backing up any of your data. Rolling back to an older version can create problems during restoring data backed up from a newer version. Therefore it is not recommended to rollback when there is data that needs to be backed up and restored.
Note: All the steps in the procedure must be followed in the order specified .
Warning: These instructions should not be used for instruments with an onboard computer (i.e. Nicolet Summit)
OMNIC Paradigm
File | Last Modified |
Uninstalling OMNIC Paradigm Rev01.pdf | September 20, 2024 |