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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Audit Log Service Will Not Run


A field service engineer ran into a situation where the Thermo Scientific Audit Log Service and Thermo Scientific Security Service would not start on a customer’s computer running OMNIC v9.8 HF2 and Security Suite v2.1.

When an attempt was made to start the Audit Log Service, a message that stated:

The Thermo Scientific Audit Log Service service on Local
Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop
automatically if they are not in use by other services or


  • Distributed Install (option 1 with data storage on the network) using the SQLite option for the Audit Manager
  • Security Suite
  • FT-IR


If the service account for the Audit Log Service needs to be changed, the Configuration Utility program should be used. This will not only change the properties for the Audit Log Service, but will also change the folder permissions for the audit log database file folder. The Configuration Utility program can be found in the directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo Scientific\Audit Log Service\,

and the file is called “Configuration Utility.exe”. Running this Utility will give the same screen encountered during the Security Suite installation program. Click the Edit button to change the service account credentials, then click OK and Apply to make the change.

In order to use the Configuration Utility, the Thermo Security Service must be running. If that service cannot be started because the Audit Log service account has been changed, there are a few options to get it working again. First would be to manually change the Audit Log service account back to the original and then use the Configuration Utility to properly change the service account credentials. The second would be to manually change the folder permissions for the audit log folder to grant Full Control to the new service account. Then remove the permissions for the original service account. This should also allow the Audit Log Service and Security Service to be restarted.


This problem will occur if the account under which the Audit Log Service is set to run does not have “Full Control” permissions for the folder where the SQLite database file (C:\ProgramData\Thermo Scientific\Audit Log\Auditmanager.db) is stored.

It is likely that this occurred because the service engineer or the customer used the Audit Log Service properties window – Log On tab to change the account under which this service will be running. When this is done manually, the permissions for the folder listed above do not get changed appropriately, and the Audit Log service will then not start.


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