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Thermo Fisher Scientific

AXP pump will not turn on


AXP pump will not turn on


  • AXP Pump
  • Chromeleon 6
  • Chromeleon 7


Verify power source
  1. Verify switch is moved to ON.
  2. Verify the power plug is plugged in the back. 
  3. Please try different outlet/power plug.
  4. Replace power supply if still now power.
Chromeleon control
  1. Go to instruments tab in the Chromeleon console and choose the AXP/pump tab.
  1. Click the green icon in the top left.
AXP pump - step 02.png
  1. If still does not connect. Please get to instrument configuration. Find Chromeleon icon in bottom right of computer screen, arrow near the time.
AXP pump - step 03.png
  1. Right click on chromeleon icon and choose Configure instruments.
AXP pump - step 04.png
  1. Expand all icons as seen under each instrument name.
AXP pump - step 05.png
  1. Double click on AXP pump icon.
AXP pump - step 06.png
  1. Check to see what port setting you have selected under general tab.
  2. Double check the port position in device manager. A port must be selected, if correct please click okay.
  3. If device is still not connected call Tech support.



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