Messages on the TCC Display
- Each time a fault or error occurs during the operation of the TCC, the Status LED on the front panel changes to red and a message appears on the front panel display.
- In this case, the Prev, Next, and Clear keys appear on the navigation bar.
UltiMate™ 3000 Series:
- TCC-3000SD
- These keys are active also when the TCC is connected in Chromeleon.
- The error is displayed also in the Chromeleon Audit Trail.
- Messages on the front panel display can also be removed via the ClearDisplayError command in Chromeleon.
- Other messages may appear. In this case, note the exact wording of the message and contact Support for Dionex HPLC Products if you are unable to eliminate the problem.
Additional tips:
- The Information menu on the TCC display provides an error log, listing the codes of the most recent errors.
- To see the error log, select Information on the Main menu, and then select System and Error Log. When the TCC is operated by Chromeleon, the error codes are also displayed in the Chromeleon Audit Trail.
- An error code may be assigned to more than one message.
Example: 37892 is the error code for all 'temperature sensor communication errors' messages. The temperature sensor for which the message is displayed will be indicated in the message, for example, 'Compartment temperature sensor communication error!'