Planned Shutdown
Shutting down the system
LTQ XL Ion Trap Model
How to shut down the instrument:
- Wait until data acquisition, if any, is complete.
- Turn off the flow of solvent from the LC (or other sample introduction device).
Note: For instructions on how to operate the LC from the front panel, refer to the manual that came with the LC.
- From the Tune Plus window, choose Control > Off to put the instrument in Off condition. When you choose Control > Off, all high voltages are shut off, as are the flows of the sheath gas and the auxiliary gas.
- Put the FT Electronics switch to the Off position.
- Put the Vacuum Pumps switch to the Off position. When you place the switch in the Off position, the following occurs:
- All power to the instrument, including the turbomolecular pumps and the rotary-vane pumps, is turned off.
- After 30 seconds, power to the vent valve solenoid of the ion trap is shut off. The vent valve opens and the vacuum manifold is vented with nitrogen to atmospheric pressure through a filter. You can hear a hissing sound as the gas passes through the filter.
- Leave the main power switch of the LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD in the On position.
- During service or maintenance operations that require opening the vacuum system of the LTQ XL or LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD, always put the main switch (main circuit breaker) to the Off position. You can secure the main switch with a padlock or tie-wrap to prevent unintended re-powering.
Note: If you are planning to perform routine or preventive system maintenance on the LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD only, you do not need to turn off the recirculating chiller, LC, autosampler, or data system. In this case, the shutdown procedure is completed. However, if you do not plan to operate your system for an extended period of time, you might want to turn off the recirculating chiller, LC, autosampler, and data system.