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Thermo Fisher Scientific

OMNIC Commercial Library Filenames


List of OMNIC commercial library names and related filenames



Spectral Libraries


Each OMNIC spectral library consists of two files.  The files have the same name, but two different file extensions: .LBD and .LBT

Below is a table listing each commercial library for OMNIC with the corresponding base file name.

Commercial Library Name Base File Name
Aldrich Condensed Phase Sample Library 007d
Aldrich Vapor Phase Sample Library 001d
Commercial Materials Epoxy Compounds 353
Commercial Materials Georgia State Explosives 352
Commercial Materials Painter Minerals 351
Commercial Materials Polypropylene Additives 350
Georgia State Crime Lab Sample Library 002d
HR Aldrich Alcohols and Phenols 414
HR Aldrich Aldehydes and Ketones 415
HR Aldrich Condensed Phase 499
HR Aldrich Condensed Phase Supplement 498
HR Aldrich Dyes, Indicators, Nitro and Azo Compounds 417
HR Aldrich Esters, Lactones, and Anhydrides 416
HR Aldrich FT-IR Collection Edition I 424
HR Aldrich FT-IR Collection Edition I Supplement 408
HR Aldrich FT-IR Collection Edition II 407
HR Aldrich Hydrocarbons 413
HR Aldrich Organometallic, Inorganic, Silanes, Boranes, and Deuterated Compounds 419
HR Aldrich Phosphorus and Sulfur Compounds 418
HR Aldrich Polymers 421
HR Aldrich Raman 447
HR Aldrich Solvents 428
HR Aldrich Vapor 438
HR Coatings Technology 400
HR Condensed Phase Academic Sampler 423
HR EPA Vapor Phase 501
HR Flavors and Fragrances 429
HR Food Additives 432
HR FT-Raman Forensic Library 437
HR Georgia State Forensic Drugs 402
HR Hazardous Chemicals - Condensed Phase Spectra 411
HR Hazardous Chemicals - Vapor Phase Spectra 410
HR Hummel Polymer and Additives 406
HR Industrial Coatings 431
HR Inorganics 458
HR Lubricants and Oils by ATR 451
HR Lubricants and Oils by ATR - corrected 452
HR Lubricants and Oils by Transmission 453
HR Minerals 457
HR Nicolet Sampler Library 436
HR Nicolet TGA Vapor Phase 433
HR Nicolet Vapor Phase HR Nicolet Vapor Phase
HR Paper Materials Library 449
HR Pharmaceutical Excipients FT-Raman Library 455
HR Pharmaceutical Excipients IR Library 454
HR Pharmaceutical NIR 456
HR Polymer Additives and Plasticizers 450
HR Raman Polymer Library 439
HR Rubber Compounding Materials 420
HR Sigma Biochemical Condensed Phase 409
HR Sigma Steroids 403
HR Specta IR Demo 470
HR Specta Raman Demo 469
HR Sprouse Polymer Additives 427
HR Sprouse Polymers by ATR 426
HR Sprouse Polymers by Transmission 425
HR Sprouse Solvents by CIRcle Cell 434
HR Surfactants 430
HR Toronto Forensic 525
HR White Powders 461
HR WMD Chemical Warfare Agents 462
Hummel Polymer Sample Library 006d
Organics by RAMAN Sample Library 205d
Sigma Biological Sample Library 009d
User Example Library userlb