OMNIC Commercial Library Filenames
List of OMNIC commercial library names and related filenames
Spectral Libraries
Each OMNIC spectral library consists of two files. The files have the same name, but two different file extensions: .LBD and .LBT
Below is a table listing each commercial library for OMNIC with the corresponding base file name.
Commercial Library Name | Base File Name |
Aldrich Condensed Phase Sample Library | 007d |
Aldrich Vapor Phase Sample Library | 001d |
Commercial Materials Epoxy Compounds | 353 |
Commercial Materials Georgia State Explosives | 352 |
Commercial Materials Painter Minerals | 351 |
Commercial Materials Polypropylene Additives | 350 |
Georgia State Crime Lab Sample Library | 002d |
HR Aldrich Alcohols and Phenols | 414 |
HR Aldrich Aldehydes and Ketones | 415 |
HR Aldrich Condensed Phase | 499 |
HR Aldrich Condensed Phase Supplement | 498 |
HR Aldrich Dyes, Indicators, Nitro and Azo Compounds | 417 |
HR Aldrich Esters, Lactones, and Anhydrides | 416 |
HR Aldrich FT-IR Collection Edition I | 424 |
HR Aldrich FT-IR Collection Edition I Supplement | 408 |
HR Aldrich FT-IR Collection Edition II | 407 |
HR Aldrich Hydrocarbons | 413 |
HR Aldrich Organometallic, Inorganic, Silanes, Boranes, and Deuterated Compounds | 419 |
HR Aldrich Phosphorus and Sulfur Compounds | 418 |
HR Aldrich Polymers | 421 |
HR Aldrich Raman | 447 |
HR Aldrich Solvents | 428 |
HR Aldrich Vapor | 438 |
HR Coatings Technology | 400 |
HR Condensed Phase Academic Sampler | 423 |
HR EPA Vapor Phase | 501 |
HR Flavors and Fragrances | 429 |
HR Food Additives | 432 |
HR FT-Raman Forensic Library | 437 |
HR Georgia State Forensic Drugs | 402 |
HR Hazardous Chemicals - Condensed Phase Spectra | 411 |
HR Hazardous Chemicals - Vapor Phase Spectra | 410 |
HR Hummel Polymer and Additives | 406 |
HR Industrial Coatings | 431 |
HR Inorganics | 458 |
HR Lubricants and Oils by ATR | 451 |
HR Lubricants and Oils by ATR - corrected | 452 |
HR Lubricants and Oils by Transmission | 453 |
HR Minerals | 457 |
HR Nicolet Sampler Library | 436 |
HR Nicolet TGA Vapor Phase | 433 |
HR Nicolet Vapor Phase | HR Nicolet Vapor Phase |
HR Paper Materials Library | 449 |
HR Pharmaceutical Excipients FT-Raman Library | 455 |
HR Pharmaceutical Excipients IR Library | 454 |
HR Pharmaceutical NIR | 456 |
HR Polymer Additives and Plasticizers | 450 |
HR Raman Polymer Library | 439 |
HR Rubber Compounding Materials | 420 |
HR Sigma Biochemical Condensed Phase | 409 |
HR Sigma Steroids | 403 |
HR Specta IR Demo | 470 |
HR Specta Raman Demo | 469 |
HR Sprouse Polymer Additives | 427 |
HR Sprouse Polymers by ATR | 426 |
HR Sprouse Polymers by Transmission | 425 |
HR Sprouse Solvents by CIRcle Cell | 434 |
HR Surfactants | 430 |
HR Toronto Forensic | 525 |
HR White Powders | 461 |
HR WMD Chemical Warfare Agents | 462 |
Hummel Polymer Sample Library | 006d |
Organics by RAMAN Sample Library | 205d |
Sigma Biological Sample Library | 009d |
User Example Library | userlb |