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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Mercury TGA or Mercury GC Search Gives Error Message "The series data cannot be used in this function"


When trying to start a Mercury TGA or Mercury GC analysis, the following message appears:  "The series data cannot be used in this function.  Please make sure the correct type of series data is selected."

Mercury TGA or GC Error.JPG




When performing a Mercury TGA or Mercury GC analysis in OMNIC, the series data being used must have been collected with the appropriate Data Collection Type.  

To perform the Mercury TGA analysis, make sure the Data Collection Type setting on the Series tab of Experiment Setup is set to "TGA/IR".

TGA-IR Selection.jpg

To perform the Mercury GC analysis, make sure the Data Collection Type setting on the Series tab of Experiment Setup is set to "GC/IR".

GC-IR Selection.jpg


With a series data set that has already been collected, the collection type can be verified by:

  1. Opening the series file
  2. Clicking on the Series menu and the Show Series Info command
  3. Checking in the Data Processing History section of the Collection and Processing Info.

Verify Series Collecton Type.jpg