Operator Administrator
Use the Administrator controls in the Operator interface to manage packages, to change the Administrator password, and to return to the Desktop interface.
To access the administrator controls, select Administrator from the menu in the Operator interface and enter the correct password. The default password is Password. The Administrator should change the password immediately after installing the software.
Manage packages
Use the Package Maintenance tab in the Administrator view to manage packages.
Open a package
Opening a package loads the package categories and workflows into the Operator interface. Once the package is opened, operators can select categories and run workflows. Any workflows set to run automatically will begin running as scheduled.
When you open a new package, new categories and workflows are added to the categories and workflows from previously opened packages. For example, if the administrator opens "Package A" and then later opens "Package B", the operator will see the categories and workflows from both packages.
❖ To open a package
- Using the Operator interface, open the menu and go to Administrator.
- Enter the password to access the administrator controls.
- In the Package Maintenance tab, select Open.
- Select a package file and select Open. Package files have a .rdep file name extension.
Update a package
When you open a package with the same name as a previously opened package, the package is updated.
For example, if you have already opened a package called "Package A" in the past, when you open a new package that is also called "Package A", the new package replaces the previous package.
Delete a package
Deleting a package removes that package's categories and workflows from the Operator interface.
❖ To delete a package
- Using the Operator interface, open the menu and go to Administrator.
- Enter the password to access the administrator controls.
- Select one or more packages from the list of packages.
- Select Delete and confirm your choice in the confirmation dialog.
Change administrator password
Use the Change Password tab to change the password for the Operator Administrator.