Process Time Series Data
As with a standard measurement, you can process Time Series data to correct baselines or account for ATR measurements, perform spectral math, smooth data, and more. When you apply a processing operation in a Time Series analysis, the operation is applied to all spectra at once. For example, performing Auto Baseline Correct will correct the baseline of every spectrum in the analysis.
Select an option from the Display menu to convert all spectra to that display format. For instance, if your analysis contains a mix of measurements using %transmittance units and absorbance units, selecting Display > Absorbance ensures that they all use absorbance units.
You can view or remove past processing operations in the History tab.
Convert all spectra to the same y-axis units
To convert all spectra to the same y-axis units, select an option from the Display menu. You should always make sure your spectra all use the same display units before you apply any profiles. If your spectra use a mix of units, the profiles may show inaccurate or misleading values.
Remove a processing operation
To remove a processing operation, go to the History tab and right-click the operation. You can remove either a single operation or all operations.
Export spectra with the split tool
You can export spectra from a time series measurement as individual measurements or SPA files. Save the spectra as SPA files for sharing or analysis with other tools, or save them to the dashboard or view them in the spectra tab.
To split out spectra from a series measurement
Right-click the profile curve and select Split out spectra and send to.
Select a destination. You can send the spectra to the dashboard, any open tab, or a new tab.
Use the region selection tool to select the spectra to be split out and click Apply.
The software shows you how many spectra will be split. Note that for very large numbers of spectra, it may take some time for the operation to complete.