What's new in the latest version of OMNIC Paradigm software?
For a full list of new features and resolved issues, see the Release Notes.
Multi Range Processing
The Multi-Range Processing feature allows you to create a new spectrum by merging two existing spectra. The resulting spectrum combines the full range of both input spectra, and any overlapping data is averaged.
For example, consider two spectra measured with different ranges, such as MidIR and NIR :
Spectrum A: Measured range from 400 to 4,000
Spectrum B: Measured range from 3500 to 11,000
Using Multi-Range Processing, you can generate a third spectrum with a range from 400 to 11000, where data from 3500 to 4000 is averaged.
For more information, see Merge spectral ranges.
Spectral information settings
With the new settings for spectral information, you have greater control over what information is displayed with your spectra and how the spectra are shown. These settings can be applied globally by using the Configure > Options menu or set on a tab by tab basis by viewing the settings directly in a Spectra tab.
For more information on display options in OMNIC Paradigm software, see Set OMNIC Paradigm Options.
Virtual Aperture
The virtual aperture in the camera view simplifies resizing and rotating your microscope aperture and gives you clear visual feedback on the portion of the sample covered by the aperture.
In the image above, the illumination is turned up to show that the aperture aligns with the virtual aperture, which is shown with the red rectangle and circle. Click and drag the rectangle to resize the aperture and click and drag the small red handle to rotate the aperture up to 90 degrees.
For details on controlling the aperture, see View the Sample.
Reprocess Interferograms
You can now reprocess interferograms, allowing you to replace the background spectrum with a new background interferogram and reprocess the sample interferogram to produce a new spectrum, for example.
Print Screen with CTRL+P
Quickly print the current display using the CTRL+P keyboard shortcut. This feature is available on any spectra, series, or session analysis tab.
For more control over which data is printed, create a report instead of using this keyboard shortcut. In a spectra tab, use the Settings tab to show or hide additional data, which will be included in the printed image when using CTRL+P.
View more information on using this keyboard shortcut at Print Screen with CTRL+P.
Split Spectra from Sessions and Series Measurements
In a Session analysis tab, use the Split tool to export individual spectra from regions or points. This is useful for detailed processing or analysis in a spectra tab.
For information on splitting session regions, see Explore Measurements in Spectra View.
For information on splitting series data, see Process Time Series Data.
Export and Print Mosaic Images
Easily export mosaic images from a session as separate image files or print them. Right-click a mosaic and select export mosaic or print mosaic to print the image or save it as an image file that you can use in another program.