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Thermo Fisher Scientific

What is the FSE Lifestyle mobile app?


What is the FSE Lifestyle mobile app?


FSE Lifestyle mobile app

FSE App Icon.png


The FSE Lifestyle mobile app is a cross-divisional mobile app designed for all Thermo Fisher Field Service Engineers to deliver the most common tools under a single, easy-to-use mobile app available on the Apple iOS and the Android platforms.  A mobile app was chosen to facilitate the mobile nature of FSEs' job duties.

It was developed in June 2022 and made available for use in early July 2022.  The IES Service Operations' Digital Training Solutions Group in Marietta, Ohio, USA, continue to bring new features to the mobile app, which now include:

  1. Mindtouch Knowledge Base - optimized for mobile platforms
  2. TFU (Thermo Fisher University) - optimized for mobile platforms
  3. Digital Service Tools - immersive digital twins (Spare Part Locator and Digital Service Manuals) for your favorite instruments and equipment
  4. SOS (Sales Order Search) - a search feature for information on internal Sales Orders spanning all Thermo Fisher ERPs to discern the status of ordered parts
  5. A reflection of some common apps:
    • Rever (the new corporate PPI idea funnel)
    • Everbridge (the new corporate global SOS beacon and emergency broadcast system)
    • LogMeIn Rescue Lens
    • Concur expenses

All Thermo Fisher employees can find, download, and install the FSE Lifestyle mobile app via the Thermo Fisher Scientific MobileIron apps store on mobile devices.  To be able to utilize the SOS feature, prospective users must specifically request SOS access; this can be obtained via a simple request to  Through 31 May 2022, all NA & EMEA IES Field Service team members already have SOS access, so no need for them to request SOS access.

You may be prompted to enter your Thermo Fisher login credentials for your first usage.

Contact for support.