Blue Indicator Light for Detector Temperature in Qtegra
Blue indicator light for Detector Temperature in Qtegra
- iCAP 6000 Series
- iCAP 7000 Series
The blue icon in Qtegra Dashboard is only an indication that the detector temperature is lower than -50°C which is not a problem for measurements. The iCAP will still perform perfectly well and no immediate action needs to be taken.
However, if one sees drifting peak positions and this temperature reads -55 degrees ( in iTEVA), then the Camera needs replacing.
Please note: The chiller needs to be switched on for the camera to cool.
To check the exact temperature in iTEVA, perform the following:
1) Open iTEVA
2) Select admin from dropdown menu and click Ok
3) Click the Instrument Status icon
4) The detector (Camera) Temperature will be displayed in this window.