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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Importing Sample Details


Importing sample details 


  • Solaar


Sample Details in .CSV format

The .CSV file must be a simple text file.

Each line of the file should contain:

Sample ID, Sample Mass, Dilution Ratio

separated by commas.

The last line in the file should contain:

Corrected concentration units, nominal mass

again separated by commas.


If the Sample IDs or Corrected Concentration units text contain spaces, the complete text must be surrounded by double quotes.

The illegal values for the Sample Details can be imported in this way, but will be displayed in red in the Sample Details dialogue box, and will be ignored when the Sample Details are used.


"First Sample ID",100,3.15

"Second Sample ID",200,6.30

"mg/l (ppm)",150


Sample Details in .TXT format

The .TXT file must be a simple text file.

Each line of the file should contain:

Sample ID <tab or space> Sample Mass <tab or space> Dilution Ratio

separated by spaces or tab characters.

The last line in the file should contain:

Corrected concentration units <tab or space> Nominal Mass

again separated by spaces or tab characters.



Sample IDs and Corrected Concentration units text cannot contain spaces.

The illegal values for the Sample Details can be imported in this way, but will be displayed in red in the Sample Details dialogue box, and will be ignored when the Sample Details are used.


FirstSampleID 100 3.15

SecondSampleID 200 6.30

mg/l 150


Importing File into Solaar:

  1. Go to File
  2. Hover over Import and choose the appropriate file format (.csv or .txt)
  3. Find the sample details file in the Open box


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