Fast Vacuum Pump Stopped Working
When running a LabBook no sample is being sucked up by the FAST vacuum pump
- Qtegra
Manually test to verify the pump is functional
1) In Instrument Control, click on ESI tab
a) Right-click on a vial position and click "Move into"
2) Click on the FAST tab
a) If Valve is not in Load position, click on Load
b) Turn the Pump On
If solution is being drawn up, then the FAST vacuum pump is working and it is most likely a software issue which can be corrected as follows:
Note: At least 20mL of solution should be drawn up over a 1 minute period of time
1) Check the FAST section of the LabBook and ensure the FAST method is still selected. If not, select the appropriate FAST method. On occasion it can occur where a FAST method is not selected even when a LabBook is created from another LabBook or Template in which the FAST method was selected.
2) If you have no ability to select the correct FAST method due to the displayed autosampler type being incorrect (i.e. PrepFAST M5 instead of SC FAST), then follow his knowledge article to correct: ESI Method Template Displayed Incorrectly