CETAC Autosampler Knowledge_USE ME Last updated Apr 12, 2023 Save as PDF By ModelAll ArticlesFeatured ArticlesASX-1600When samples are analyzed in the first row of any of the sample racks, the Qtegra software will lock up and the run will halt.ASX-280/560Adjusting the Tension on the Peristaltic Pump for Cetac ASX-560 and ASX-280 AutosamplersAlignment Issue When Going to Vial Positions in Racks 1 and 2ASX Dashboard SoftwareASX-560 LED Flashing RedFailed to run command GETSAHome position error and Labbook failsIntermittent Loss of Communication with AutosamplerLabBook interruption mid-runLoss of Communication with Autosampler,No Communication with Cetac autosamplerProbe Not Rinsing When Using Sprint Valve in QtegraRinse Solution is Not Flowing into Rinse StationTroubleshooting and Correcting Dripping from an Autosampler ProbeTroubleshooting the X-Y-Z Sensors on the ASX-560 and ASX-280Unknown Device when Connecting Autosampler via USBUpgrading Autosampler FirmwareZ-axis Replacement on Cetac ASX 280, 560 AutosamplersASX-7400ASX 7400 Stirring Motor is Not RunningASXpressCarryover with ASXpressHome the ASXpress ValveiCAP 7600Carryover with ASXpress